Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing

Posted on February 22, 2023

Our journal adheres to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (ver. 4, published September 15, 2022; developed by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). Sixteen checklists of compliance of the journal to the joint statement were as follows.

  • 1. Name of Journal
    The official journal title is Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery(abbreviated as J Minim Invasive Surg or JMIS).
  • 2. Website
    The official website of our journal is The JMIS team endeavors to make a high-quality website with accurate information and adherence to ethical and professional standards. It does not contain any misleading information, including any attempts to mimic other journal/publisher websites. Information for authors and readers is described in detail on the journal website. Key information can be found by clicking on the headings below.
    - Aims and Scope
    - Readership
    - Type of manuscript
    - Authorship criteria
    - ISSN: pISSN (2234-778X), eISSN (2234-5248)
  • 3. Publishing Schedule
    JMIS is published quarterly on the 15th day of March, June, September, and December. Additional supplementary or special issues may also be published.
  • 4. Archiving
    JMIS provides the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event the journal is no longer published by archiving in PubMed Central (; from the 22nd volume, 2019), National Library of Korea ( and ScienceCentral ( Authors can archive preprint (i.e., prerefereeing), postprint (i.e., final draft post-refereeing), and publisher’s version/PDF.
  • 5. Copyright
    The copyright, including the right of online transmission, is owned by the Korean Society of Endo-Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery. All authors should agree to the copyright transfer during the submission process. Copyright information is indicated on all published papers (HTML and PDF) and on the JMIS website.
  • 6. Licensing
    JMIS is an open access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To use the tables or figures of JMIS in other journals, books, or media for scholarly, educational purposes, the process of permission request to the publisher of JMIS is not necessary. All contents of the journal are available immediately upon publication without embargo period. Licensing information is indicated on all published papers (HTML and PDF) and on the JMIS website.
  • 7. Publication Ethics and Related Editorial Policies
    JMIS adheres to the Guideline on Good Publication of COPE (, Recommendations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (, and Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals of Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors ( Our publication ethics are displayed on the Editorial Policy tab of journal homepage.

    In case the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct, such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author’s idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the flowchart provided by COPE ( The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are carried out by the Editorial Board.
  • 8. Peer Review
    JMIS has an online submission and peer review system ( Further details on peer review can be found under the Peer Review Policy section of the Editorial Policy page. The basic policy is as follows.

    All papers, including those invited by the editor, are subject to a rigorous peer review process. JMIS has adopted a double-blind peer review policy, in which the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous to each other throughout the review process. However, the editor managing the review process will have visibility of the authors and reviewers’ identities. The Editorial Board selects reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews. During the peer review process, reviewers can interact directly or exchange information (e.g., via submission systems or email) with only an editor, which is known as “independent review.” An initial decision will normally be made within 4 weeks of receipt of a manuscript. No information about the review process or editorial decision process is published on the article page.

    All manuscripts from editors, employees, or members of the Editorial Board are processed the same way as other unsolicited manuscripts. During the review process, they will not engage in the selection of reviewers nor the decision process. Editors will not handle their own manuscripts even if they are commissioned ones.

    All articles in JMIS include the dates of submission, revision, acceptance, and publication on their article page.
  • 9. Access
    JMIS is freely accessible from the journal website ( according to the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( A free full-text service both in the XML and PDF formats is available immediately upon publication without embargo period.
  • 10. Ownership and Management
    The journal is owned by the publisher, the Korean Society of Endo-Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery of the Republic of Korea ( The full names and affiliations of the members of the journal management team are displayed on the About (Editorial Board) tab of the journal homepage.
  • 11. Advisory Body
    The Editorial Board serves as the journal's advisory body. All editorial board members' names and affiliations are disclosed, and their detailed information can be accessed via links to their ORCID, Research ID, and Scopus ID profiles.
  • 12. Editorial Team and Contact Information
    An editorial team in charge of managing and publishing the journal's content is displayed on the About (Publishing Credentials) tab of the journal homepage, and the contact information for the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office can be found on the About (Contact us) tab.
  • 13. Author Fees
    There are no author submission fees or other publication-related charges. All cost for the publication process is supported by the publisher. JMIS is a so-called platinum open access journal which does not charge author fees. Effective as of September 15, 2022, this policy is a decision to ensure accessibility and broaden science.
  • 14. Other Revenue
    The journal's revenue sources include support from the publisher, the Korean Society of Endo-Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery, author fees, and advertising rates.
  • 15. Advertising
    JMIS accepts advertisements in the print copies of the journal. Any individuals or organizations who are interested in advertising their products or services are encouraged to contact the editorial office. The acceptance of advertisement will be discussed by the editorial board and will be ultimately approved by the publisher.
  • 16. Direct Marketing
    Journal propagation has been done through the journal website and distribution of an introduction pamphlet. Invitations to submit a manuscript are usually focused on the presenters at conferences, seminars, or workshops if the topic is related to the journal’s aims and scope.

In addition, we declare that these principles acknowledge the responsibility of publishers and editors in promoting accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all aspects of publication. Editorial decisions are based solely on scholarly merit, and should not be influenced by the authors' nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion. JMIS is committed to ensuring that its policies do not create an exclusionary environment and will regularly evaluate them for inclusiveness.

Dec 15, 2024 Vol.27 No.4
pp. 185~236

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Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery

pISSN 2234-778X
eISSN 2234-5248