Video/Multimedia Article

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J Minim Invasive Surg 2016; 19(3): 115-116

Published online September 15, 2016

© The Korean Society of Endo-Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery

Technical Compensation for Hepatic Vein Injury during Robotic Single Site Cholecystectomy

Jae Uk Chong1,2, Myung Jae Jung3, and Chang Moo Kang1,2

1Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea,
2Pancreatobiliary Cancer Clinic, Yonsei Cancer Center, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea,
3Department of Critical Care and Trauma Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to : Chang Moo Kang Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea Tel: +82-2-2228-2135 Fax: +82-2-313-8289 E-mail:

Received: June 13, 2016; Revised: August 24, 2016; Accepted: August 25, 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This video describes an event that could occur during any cholecystectomy. To the best of our knowledge, this video is the first description of the technical compensation for hepatic vein injury during robotic single-site cholecystectomy (RSSC). A 61-year-old male with a 1.6 cm gallbladder stone sought to go through with RSSC. During dissection of gallbladder from the liver bed, the hepatic vein was unexpectedly exposed and injured. Using the angulated robotic needle holder, the injured hepatic vein was repaired with 5-0 prolene monofilament suture. Although there is a lack of EndoWrist movement in RSSC, suturing was feasible. The patient was discharged on the second postoperative day without complications. Incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed using RSSC and prevent the need for conversion to a conventional laparoscopic or open approach.

Keywords Robotic surgical procedure, Intraoperative complications, Cholecystectomy

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been a gold standard for symptomatic cholelithiasis.1 With the improvement in laparoscopic techniques, single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) has been introduced for a better cosmesis. However, SILC was not widely adopted because of instrument limitations, resulting in internal and external clashing of instruments and overall surgeon ergonomic discomfort.2 With the advancement of technology, robotic single-site cholecystectomy (RSSC) was introduced to overcome shortcomings of SILC. Since then, feasibility and safety of RSSC has been studied extensively and the indications for RSSC are still growing. Surgeons are attracted by the superior vision of 3D, curved cannulas with flexible robotic instruments, and intuitive ergonomics, resulting from compensation of control console, which reassigns instruments to the opposite controller. This video describes an event that could happen during any cholecystectomy. With use of the robotic system, the situation can be handled with relative ease. To our knowledge, this video is the first description of the technical compensation for hepatic vein injury during RSSC.

The patient was a 61-year-old male without a previous medical or operative history with BMI of 22.28 kg/m2. The patient was diagnosed with a 1.6 cm sized gallbladder stone and sought to go through with RSSC. General surgical procedures using single site da Vinci surgical platform is described in another study.3 During dissection of gallbladder from the liver bed, hepatic vein was unexpectedly exposed and injured. Gallbladder was further dissected laterally from liver bed to make space for suturing. Using the angulated robotic needle holder, injured hepatic vein was repaired with 5-0 prolene monofilament suture. Although, there is a lack of EndoWrist movement in RSSC, suturing technique was feasible.

Total operation time was 134 minutes. Since our early experience with RSSC showed mean operative time of 132.6±25.2 minutes, the result was comparable.3 Patient was discharged on the second postoperative day without complications. In our experience, incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed by RSSC to avoid conversion to conventional laparoscopic or open approach. On retrospective review, pre-operative computed tomography finding revealed hepatic vein coursing close to the liver bed.

Incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed using RSSC to avoid conversion to conventional laparoscopic or open approach. Preoperative attention need to be paid about this potential intraoperative complication when preoperative computed tomography scan is available.

  1. NIH Consensus conference. Gallstones and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. JAMA; 1993 p. 1018-1024.
  2. Haber GP, White MA, and Autorino R et al. Novel robotic da Vinci instruments for laparoendoscopic single-site surgery. Urology 2010;76:1279-1282.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  3. Lee SH, Jung MJ, Hwang HK, Kang CM, and Lee WJ. The first experiences of robotic single-site cholecystectomy in Asia: a potential way to expand minimally-invasive single-site surgery?. Yonsei Med J 2015;56:189-195.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef


Video/Multimedia Article

J Minim Invasive Surg 2016; 19(3): 115-116

Published online September 15, 2016

Copyright © The Korean Society of Endo-Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery.

Technical Compensation for Hepatic Vein Injury during Robotic Single Site Cholecystectomy

Jae Uk Chong1,2, Myung Jae Jung3, and Chang Moo Kang1,2

1Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea,
2Pancreatobiliary Cancer Clinic, Yonsei Cancer Center, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea,
3Department of Critical Care and Trauma Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Correspondence to:Chang Moo Kang Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea Tel: +82-2-2228-2135 Fax: +82-2-313-8289 E-mail:

Received: June 13, 2016; Revised: August 24, 2016; Accepted: August 25, 2016

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This video describes an event that could occur during any cholecystectomy. To the best of our knowledge, this video is the first description of the technical compensation for hepatic vein injury during robotic single-site cholecystectomy (RSSC). A 61-year-old male with a 1.6 cm gallbladder stone sought to go through with RSSC. During dissection of gallbladder from the liver bed, the hepatic vein was unexpectedly exposed and injured. Using the angulated robotic needle holder, the injured hepatic vein was repaired with 5-0 prolene monofilament suture. Although there is a lack of EndoWrist movement in RSSC, suturing was feasible. The patient was discharged on the second postoperative day without complications. Incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed using RSSC and prevent the need for conversion to a conventional laparoscopic or open approach.

Keywords: Robotic surgical procedure, Intraoperative complications, Cholecystectomy


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been a gold standard for symptomatic cholelithiasis.1 With the improvement in laparoscopic techniques, single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) has been introduced for a better cosmesis. However, SILC was not widely adopted because of instrument limitations, resulting in internal and external clashing of instruments and overall surgeon ergonomic discomfort.2 With the advancement of technology, robotic single-site cholecystectomy (RSSC) was introduced to overcome shortcomings of SILC. Since then, feasibility and safety of RSSC has been studied extensively and the indications for RSSC are still growing. Surgeons are attracted by the superior vision of 3D, curved cannulas with flexible robotic instruments, and intuitive ergonomics, resulting from compensation of control console, which reassigns instruments to the opposite controller. This video describes an event that could happen during any cholecystectomy. With use of the robotic system, the situation can be handled with relative ease. To our knowledge, this video is the first description of the technical compensation for hepatic vein injury during RSSC.


The patient was a 61-year-old male without a previous medical or operative history with BMI of 22.28 kg/m2. The patient was diagnosed with a 1.6 cm sized gallbladder stone and sought to go through with RSSC. General surgical procedures using single site da Vinci surgical platform is described in another study.3 During dissection of gallbladder from the liver bed, hepatic vein was unexpectedly exposed and injured. Gallbladder was further dissected laterally from liver bed to make space for suturing. Using the angulated robotic needle holder, injured hepatic vein was repaired with 5-0 prolene monofilament suture. Although, there is a lack of EndoWrist movement in RSSC, suturing technique was feasible.

Total operation time was 134 minutes. Since our early experience with RSSC showed mean operative time of 132.6±25.2 minutes, the result was comparable.3 Patient was discharged on the second postoperative day without complications. In our experience, incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed by RSSC to avoid conversion to conventional laparoscopic or open approach. On retrospective review, pre-operative computed tomography finding revealed hepatic vein coursing close to the liver bed.


Incidental hepatic vein injury could be safely managed using RSSC to avoid conversion to conventional laparoscopic or open approach. Preoperative attention need to be paid about this potential intraoperative complication when preoperative computed tomography scan is available.

Supplementary video file


  1. NIH Consensus conference. Gallstones and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. JAMA; 1993 p. 1018-1024.
  2. Haber GP, White MA, and Autorino R et al. Novel robotic da Vinci instruments for laparoendoscopic single-site surgery. Urology 2010;76:1279-1282.
    Pubmed CrossRef
  3. Lee SH, Jung MJ, Hwang HK, Kang CM, and Lee WJ. The first experiences of robotic single-site cholecystectomy in Asia: a potential way to expand minimally-invasive single-site surgery?. Yonsei Med J 2015;56:189-195.
    Pubmed KoreaMed CrossRef

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